Our Story

How it began
As 2019 Daughters of the Vote delegates, the four founders of She Connects - Emily Haugen, Avneet Sandhu, Meghan Dunn, and Leena Parhar - had the opportunity to sit in the House of Commons and Senate in Ottawa and bring to the attention of our leaders the concerns facing our communities. The four then applied for the Rosemary Spears Leadership Grant to launch their idea of She Connects to provide a mentorship opportunity to young women that was not available to them when they were navigating high school.
She Connects is a volunteer initiative that provides virtual/online mentorship to young women. As a grassroots movement, our main goal is to connect young women in high school with women mentors in their 20s, to foster thought-exchange, dialogues, and trusting relationships. She Connects provides a safe space for youth and allows them to speak to a mentor directly about anything they might need guidance or support on. Our mentors support mentees with the appropriate resources and tools for success and resiliency. With this mentorship program, we strive to uplift women and empower them to be the driving force in their own lives.
She Connects programs are inclusive to women, girls, and gender non-conforming folks of all identities.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to leverage the lived experience of our mentors to support and guide mentees through a pivotal stage in life, building an interconnected network of women across Canada.

Our Vision
Our Vision is to build a nationwide community of young women who feel supported and empowered by our mentorship network.

The Power of Mentorship
“She Connects has allowed me to network on a national scale with womxn leaders all over Canada, allowing personal growth, setting a new precedent for mentorship, and advocating for gender equality. Never before have I felt so proud to be part of something so great, where my diversity is celebrated, giving me the confidence to help others reach their accomplishments!"
- Misbah Mahal, She Connects Mentor from Sturgeon County, Alberta
“My experience as a mentor with She Connects has been really rewarding! Since my mentee and I were matched based on our similar interests, I've been able to give advice based on my experiences which can help her make informed decisions in her own life. The best part is that it's not a one-sided relationship at all - I've been able to learn a lot from her too, and I’m so excited to see where life takes her.”
- Jillian Breau, She Connects Mentor from St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador

National Impact